Which 11th-grade course is simpl...


Which 11th-grade course is simple?

Fitness Instruction. One of the simpler and higher-scoring disciplines in Class 11's commerce courses is this one. People who are interested in sports, yoga, physical fitness, physiology, etc. should take physical education.

What are the four primary roles that the educational system plays?

There are many purposes for education in society. Socialization, social integration, social placement, and social and cultural innovation are among them.

Which 5 instructional models are there?

The five steps of the 5E learning cycle are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.

What behavioral effects do social media have on students?

The majority of students' psychosocial behavior was found to be influenced by their use of social media. As a result, they develop psychological addictions and spend the majority of their time online networking, which may cause them to pay less attention to other activities and aspects of their lives.


Why is it vital to learn online?

gives students more power over their education Online learning offers greater flexibility and allows kids choice over their education compared to traditional learning techniques, which give teachers more control over how they will teach their students.

Describe formal education.

Formal study refers to instruction or training offered by an accredited institution of higher learning that results in a formal qualification necessary for a councilor or mayor to undertake the duties of their office.

Who has ever been the most famous woman?

First century BC–first century AD, Virgin Mary. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is possibly the most well-known lady in history and is revered by both Christians and Muslims.

Why do learners struggle?

Laziness. When students neglect the hard work required to excel academically, laziness can lead to failure. Some kids are never taught the value of hard effort, or they never practice pushing themselves, so they never learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

What forms of media are still helpful for teaching in classrooms?

The conventional media can still be utilized in classrooms for successful learning. Some of the rural communities lack modern educational technology. In traditional media, teaching items like chalk, a blackboard, and manila paper are used.

Why is online learning less successful?

Time management and self-motivation are necessary for online learning. One of the main causes of online learning students failing to finish during the course is a lack of self-motivation on their part. On the other hand, traditional classrooms offer several opportunities for pupils to progress toward their learning objectives.